Scenar Therapy in Mexico

What is Scenar?

The SCENAR® device is an FDA-approved hand-held medical device that stands for Self-Controlled Energo-Neuro Adaptive Regulator, which is a form of advanced electro-stimulation. SCENAR® has been clinically tested and proven for over 40 years.

How Does Scenar Work?

Scenar is a non-invasive treatment which restores the body’s self-healing mechanism. The Scenar device emits an electro-magnetic signal when it is applied to the skin, which is almost identical to the human nerve signal. This signal travels along certain types of nerve fibers, which triggers the release of powerful pain relieving substances into the bloodstream and stimulates healing.

A powerful and unique feature of the Scenar device is a biofeedback function that “listens” to the body. The device provides biofeedback by constantly monitoring changes in the body’s resistance every few milliseconds. Our health relies on the continuous exchange of energy and information within the body. Each function of the body is interrelated and works in harmony – that is until stress, injury or disease disrupts that communication. Scenar communicates with all systems of the body through direct contact on the skin, tuning into the body’s inner communication, and understanding the body’s needs from the signals being sent back and forth. Scenar responds to these signals accordingly with gentle electrical impulses that communicate with the nervous system to stimulate the body’s own healing process, so your body can operate with maximum efficiency again.

scenar therapy

Is Scenar safe?

Scenar is a gentle therapy that feels like a tingly soothing sensation on the skin. It is neither addictive, invasive, manipulative, nor toxic, and it is very well researched. It can be used safely with people of any age. After large clinical trials and over forty years of use, there are no reports of any negative side effects when used by properly trained Scenar therapists. Scenar uses the most natural and gentle of healing processes – those in your own body. Scenar is safe to use alongside other therapies such as chiropractic, physiotherapy, Bowen, etc.

What Does Scenar Treat?

Scenar provides long lasting relief for many conditions such as:
• Migraine, headaches.
• Gastrointestinal issues – constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), heartburn, diarrhea.
• Post-operative pain– after any surgery to control pain (after hip/knee replacement, plastic surgery, any cuts and scars as well, etc.).
• Injuries (acute and chronic) – neck, lower back pain, knee pain, disc problems, shoulder, inflamed joints, and muscular and ligament strains.
• Neuropathic pain – trigeminal neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, peripheral neuropathies, arthritis, fibromyalgia pain, etc.
• Facial neuralgia pain – TMJ, Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain, Bell’s Palsy.
• Chronic conditions that other treatments have failed to improve.

Scenar frequently results in other favorable side effects – enhanced energy, better quality sleep, improved digestion, and a general enhanced sense of well-being.

How is Scenar Different From TENS Devices?

Scenar is an advanced form of electro neurostimulation with “biofeedback” functions. It is NOT like a Micro Current Machine or E-stim or TENS device in any way, shape, or form. The average Microcurrent Machine unit does not have the same capability as Scenar, such as the ability to communicate intelligently between the tissue and the device. This is what sets it apart from a conventional TENS unit, which is usually just feeding the same type of signal one-way into the tissue, without adjustments. When you do anything to the body consistently over time, it adapts, which is not what you want when attempting to treat pain or disfunction.

Scenar Therapy Sessions

The treatment is provided with clothes on. The device is placed on the body where treatment is needed. Treatment with scenar is painless and very effective. Some improvement is immediate and some happens over several days.

Contraindications to and special precautions for Scenar treatment


• Cardiac pacemaker, cochlear implants, electrical bladder stimulator or other electrical implanted devices
• Severe mental illness
• Acute infectious diseases of obscure origin

Special Precautions:

• Pregnancy (1st trimester)
• Epilepsy
• Cancer
• Severe mood disorders

Preparation for Scenar treatment

• Wear loose fitting clothing
• Clients should not bathe / wash for two hours prior to, or two hours after treatment.
• Clients should not apply lotions or makeup to their skin on the day of the treatment (including topical analgesics).
• It is preferable that self-prescribed pain medications are avoided before treatment.
• Magnetic and electrical items should be removed from the body before treatment.